List Your Property Now!
How to Submit Your Property:
- Step 1 – Submit your listing online below
- Step 2 – Your payment will be processed by PayPal via secure server
Listing Term Length:
- We offer a 12 month expanded listing
- Should your property need additional time to sell, all listings are renewable
*In order to keep our fees reasonable, we require that your information be submitted via this online form. We do not accept listings via fax or mail. Due to copyright legalities, we ask that you enter the information in your own words and not copy text from another website. *The terms of the listing agreement can be found here.
About Photographs (our listings allow for 6 images) :
You can allow us to use web images that you own the rights to or have permission to use and copy** Or, photos can be sent as an attachment to a separate email. Images should be at least 500 pixels wide or high with a minimum resolution of 72 dpi. Please put your property name in the subject line and email the attachment to (not a link):

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